Health & Wellness Coaching
Bad habits have a way of sneaking up on us. Before you know it, these habits can become overwhelming and seemingly impossible to break. Are you beginning to feel the side effects of your bad habits or realizing the negative impact that they can have on your physical, mental and emotional well-being? If so, PsyVitalitï is here to help.
If you want to ditch your bad habits, take your health and wellness to the next level and start achieving your goals, you’ve come to the right place. PsyVitalitï is proud to have a team of dedicated health coaches and wellness coaches that are here to help you take action, follow through on your plan and elevate your life to new heights

What Is Health Coaching or Wellness Coaching?
Put simply, a health and wellness coach is your own personal supporter. They guide you through the ups and downs of your journey, help you set realistic goals, provide meaningful advice and help keep you accountable for your actions.
Ultimately, health and wellness coaching is designed to give you the tools and strategies you need to break bad habits and integrate positive, healthy and meaningful behaviours into your daily life. By using techniques such as motivational interviewing, a health coach can help you adopt a healthier day-to-day lifestyle that allows you to achieve your long-sought-after goals.

What Is Motivational Interviewing?
You might be wondering, what exactly is motivational interviewing and why is it used? This evidence-based approach was developed in the early 1980s and has since been an effective practice used for changing behaviours. It aims to help individuals explore and resolve their resistance to change and promotes motivation for positive actions. Motivational interviewing is commonly applied to a wide range of behavioural issues such as the ones mentioned below.
What Can A Health Coach Help With?
Improving your health and wellness can mean something different for everyone. Whether it’s physical, emotional or mental factors that affect us, an experienced health and wellness coach can help you get to the bottom of your negative thoughts and behaviours. Our coaches are equipped to help with a wide range of health and wellness struggles but we have outlined below some of the most common situations in which our support can be vital.
Quit Smoking
If you have made many unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking and are feeling discouraged, reach out to PsyVitalitï today. A coach can help you dive deeper into the cause of your behaviours, provide you with effective tools and strategies and ultimately help you kick your smoking habit.
Healthy Eating
Do you struggle with healthy eating patterns? Our health and wellness coaches can help you learn to recognize hunger cues, identify whether you are eating out of hunger or for emotional reasons, and help you adopt behaviours that will change your relationship with food for good.
Physical Activity
Moving not only impacts your physical well-being but also your mental health... which you probably already know, right? So you’re probably wondering why knowing this, you still can’t integrate physical activity into your daily habits. Our coaches use a variety of tools that will help you maintain and enjoy physical activity on a daily basi
If you have tried to lose weight time and time again with no success, PsyVitalitï is here to help. Our health and wellness coaches have tried and true techniques that can help you take back control of your life and rid yourself of the bad habits that are restricting your weight loss.
Work-Life Balance
More and more is being asked of you in the different areas of your life and you no longer know where to put your energy. Learn to make choices and decisions that will allow you to set your limits, invest time in each area respectively and cultivate balance in your life.
Improved Sleep
Better sleep starts long before you put your head on the pillow. There are many things that influence not only the quality of your sleep but also the time it takes to fall asleep. Learn techniques to help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.
Reduce Stress
Reducing and managing stress can have a ripple effect on your entire physical and mental well-being on a daily basis. If you are struggling with stress management, our wellness coaches at PsyVitalitï are here to help with a toolbox of proven strategies and techniques.
If you could use help in one or more of these areas of your life, reach out to PsyVitalitï today. We have an experienced team of health and wellness coaches that are dedicated to your success. Struggling with a concern not listed above? Don’t worry, our coordinators can connect you with a coach that will help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.
What Makes Health Coaches At PsyVitalitï Different?
At PsyVitalitï, we know that choosing which health coach to work with can be challenging. So, we thought it was important to highlight what sets our team apart from other coaching services that are available.
Health and wellness coaching is an unregulated industry in Canada. That means that anyone can provide these types of coaching services, including those without any academic qualifications. PsyVitalitï is proud to use only licensed therapists and psychologists for all of our coaching services. These professionals have extensive knowledge and understanding of personal development strategies and other integral aspects of health coaching.
Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about making the wrong choice for a coach. At PsyVitalitï, we offer a guaranteed match policy that protects you if you’d like to switch coaches and find someone more suitable for you.

How To Book an Appointment With A Health & Wellness Coach
Are you ready to break the bad habits and make a positive change in your life? Booking an appointment with a health coach or wellness coach at PsyVitalitï is easy. Simply visit our online booking page, choose your province of residence and select health coaching as your desired service. From there you can pick a qualified coach-therapist to help you on your journey to a better self!